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We’re friendly, helpful and protective of our community. If you’re looking for others who share the same interest as you, join our gathering at the garden center. We’re always looking for new members, so come on by to meet us. Sunday Lunch 2019 Our Sunday lunch gatherings have been an important part of Yarnynlife in the past. They bring together our families and communities to share, discuss, and enjoy good food and company. We don’t want to let these days of bonding go, so we’re gathering for our very first summer Sunday lunch gathering. We’re looking forward to having everyone join us. Monday Meetup 2019 We’re still on track for the first Monday Meetup. We’ll be meeting at the downtown library to talk about our list of things we’re still looking for. Job Opening 2019 We are looking for a part-time or full-time person to fill our first-ever job opening. We’re looking for someone who can handle front desk duties (receptionist and library worker), prep the collection, be available to help with special events and anything else that comes up! All materials and responsibilities are provided. We are eager to build an enjoyable and satisfying working relationship with a person who loves books and Yarnynlife, and we can help you find a job that you love! Birthday Celebration 2019 On June 5th, Yarnynlife will hold our very first birthday celebration. We’re super excited for this milestone in our history, and we’d love to celebrate with you. Be sure to RSVP soon so we can give you a good idea of how many to expect.Q: How can I store the list of lists of lists of lists as a dataframe in python The data structure that I need to store is given below: mylist = [[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9], [10,11,12]] The format that I want is given below: Column1 Column2 Column3




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